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Video Transcript First Year Housing Experience

Video Description

What is it like coming to live at Endicott for the first time? Take a peek at some of our different available residence halls and hear what the first year experience is like as a Gull.

Text Transcript

0:09   The way that the residence halls are set up you are bound to meet everybody and
0:13   it's a very open community and once you kind of make your friend group or you
0:17   meet people on your floor, wherever it is, that makes it a little bit easier to do
0:23   everything else you have somebody else that you're going through this
0:25   transition with. Our rooms and our residence halls are very different and
0:30   our living situations here are very different and I mean different in a good
0:35   way. From freshman to senior living you can live in all different styles of
0:39   housing and you have Reynolds which is a converted mansion you also have
0:46   Birchmont which is right on the water and is a beautiful home that was converted into a
0:50   residence hall. We have Frates which is a brand new building that we dedicated
0:54   to Peter Frates and it's just this beautiful residence hall. So for all of
0:58   this we really do give a variety of options to our students and there's not
1:03   one place that you have to live so you can experience all of this in your time here.
1:10   While I do think that coming into
1:11   college is very overwhelming that's a big transition for a lot of people it's
1:15   the first time that they left home and for almost everyone is the first time
1:19   they left home for this long a period of time and it's scary - it is - and I'll be
1:24   the first to tell you I was scared when I was a freshman but I think that
1:28   Endicott being the community that it is there are so many resources for freshmen
1:32   that it becomes less scary. That first day that you come in here your RAs are
1:38   going to be at your door willing to help you with everything once you're here
1:42   it's going to be like you've been here it's not going to feel like you are a
1:45   freshman it's going to feel like you've been here for years this has been your
1:49  home and then everything feels like it comes naturally.