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To address some of the most commonly asked questions that we get in writing tutoring, we have compiled a list of writing resource links. They include advice, explanations, examples and tools created by our staff as well as experts from other educational institutions/organizations.

While you will find these resources useful, you should always check with your professor for primary instruction and guidance. 


Help with the writing process:

Depending on the writing assignment you are working on, you should use the advice from these links accordingly. For example, the advice you receive for writing a five-paragraph persuasive essay may not be applicable to a lab report you write in the sciences. 

  • Brainstorming:

    • Tool

  • Outlines/Organization

  • Thesis Statements

    For video tutorials on Thesis Statements, .

  • Writing Conclusions:
  • Citation Guidelines (AMA, APA, Chicago, CSE, MLA, Turabian)

    For video tutorials on APA and MLA, .

  • Grammar and Punctuation

    For a video tutorial on Common Grammar Mistakes, .

    Guide to Grammar and Writing (CCC)

Types of Writing Assignments:

  • Academic Writing

  • Annotated Bibliographies

  • Literature Reviews

    For video tutorials on Literature Reviews, .