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REACH Peer Education Program

Peer Educator Groups on Campus

  • Healthy Eating and Living (HEAL)

    HEAL works closely with the Counseling Center to organize activities and events for Suicide Prevention Week, National Mental Illness Awareness Week, Depression Screening Day, and National Eating Disorders Awareness Week.

    Areas of focus:

    • Eating disorders and body image
    • Stress
    • Anxiety and depression
    • Suicide prevention
  • Colleges Advocating Respect Equality and Safety (CARES)

    With a focus on relationships and the importance of respect and equality, CARES works closely with the Counseling Center to organize activities for Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

    Areas of focus:

    • Relationship/dating violence
    • Sexual assault
    • Sexual harassment
    • Sexual health
  • Students Teaching Alcohol Responsibility (STAR)

    STAR works closely with the Counseling Center to organize activities and events for National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week, National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Month, as well as Safe Winter Break and Safe Spring Break Campaigns.

    Areas of focus:

    • Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Misuse
    • Drinking and Driving Prevention
    • Alcohol Poisoning Awareness
    • Responsible Alcohol Use